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まさおのChangeLogメモ / 2005-04-06

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2005-04-06 Wed

* URL memo

- Juru | Homepage: delicious users
Juru is a full-text search library entirely written in Java and dedicated to small/mid-size collections where precision is a must. It efficiently applies state-of-the-art search algorithms producing highest-quality search results.
- UIMA Project Homepage: delicious users
The Unstructured Information Management Architecture Project
- DeveloperDocs - Blogmarks - Trac: delicious users
- YappoLogs: Rastメモ その壱: delicious users
- Perl 5.8.6 documentation - perldoc.perl.org: delicious974 users
- FAQ - Kwiki: delicious users
FreePAN Frequently Asked Questions
- 世界史講義録: delicious65 users