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Matrix Market. (Last Change: January 22, 1998)
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R. Boisvert, R. Pozo, K. Remington, R. Barrett, and J. Dongarra. The Matrix Market: A web resource for test matrix collections. In Ronald F. Boisvert, editor, Quality of Numerical Software, Assessment and Enhancement, p. 125-137, London, 1997. Chapman & Hall.
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R. Boisvert, R. Pozo, and K. Remington. The Matrix Market exchange formats: Initial design. Technical Report NISTIR 5935, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, December 1996.
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行列工房. (Last change: Wed Nov 4 18:35:18 JST 1998)
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松原有里, 高木浩光, 関口智嗣, 長嶋雲兵.
WWW を用いた行列生成システム: Matrix Workshopの開発.
情報処理学会第55回全国大会, 1997.
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松原有里, 中田秀基, 関口智嗣, 建部修見, 長嶋雲兵.
ネットワーク計算用行列工房: Matrix Workshopによる性能評価システム.
情報処理学会研究報告 98-HPC-72.
Masao Takaku