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まさおのChangeLogメモ / 2005-12-06

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2005-12-06 Tue

* Pre-Workshop - Opinion

What is Opinion
- Opinions changes over time

- word mining
- extraction
- summarization
- tracking
- QA
- Cross-Lingual

Fact vs Opinion
- Differece
- circular vs Happy
- "he is a engineer" vs "He thiks that a"

Previous Work
- English: [Weibe et al. Kim and Hovy, Takamura et al.]
- Japanese:
- Chinese:
- Korean:

Corpus Preparation
- Quantity
- Source: News, Reviews, blogs,...
- Granularity
- different source/languages...

Previous Work (COrpus)
- NRRC Summer workshop on Multi-perspective QA
- World New Connection (WHC)
- NTCIR Corpus (Chinese
- Review from Web (Japanese)

Corpus Annotation

Previous Work (Annotation1)
- NRRC - 114 doc. annotataed

Previous Work (Annotation2)
- Tags

Previous Work (Annotation3) - NTCIR Chinese
^ 205 doc. annotated
- 3 annotators
- XML-style tag

Corpus Evaluation
- How to choose materials? (Agreements...)
- How to evaluate corpus for a subjective taslk

Previous Work (Corpus Evaluation)
- bigger annotators, lower agreements...

Needed for this work
- what kind of documents
- training
- which Language?

- How to construct output for
- extract/arrange opinions from
- only extracted opinion background for some other information

Opinion Workshop - ChenYewLin:

Opinion Workshop - Prof.Kando:
- IR
- EAAT-AAAI2004, Style Workshop (SIGIR2005)
Information (type/...)
Aspect from different communities
- Smae event from different language (News,Web etc.)
--function words
- puctuations, symbols
- aspects, modalities, tense (would, could, have been,...)
- semantic categpries of verbs
- very low frequent terms
- dictionaries
- corpus (annotrated)
- taggers, matchers
- test collections/test sets
Target applications?
Possible document collections
- Yahoo!J/T: 知恵袋、知識家
- (still) Newspaper: opinions (authories'/writers')
Piliot Task
- single task
- Or everybody work on own research on same doc.
- very relaxed way starting of can be possibly for topics
- it would be some kind community

Feedback (comments/questions)
- Human assesment:
        - corpus:
        - contact with give us you can use it in labolatories
        - i try ato my best possibilities to use Taiwan
- Gardens:
        - we can
        - for relevant doc. assessment,
        - pool
        - participants contribute theri