Created on 2007-03-04
Last modified on 2024-12-26
Curriculum Vitae (Masao Takaku)
Code4Lib JAPAN Conference 2018 (September 2018) (photo by: Fumihiro Kato)
- Name
- Masao Takaku
- Contact
- E-mail:
- URL:
- Contact (office)
- 1-2 Kasuga, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki, 305-8550, Japan
- E-mail:
- Tel: +81-29-859-1394
- Fax: +81-29-859-1093
- Laboratory website
Research interests
Information retrieval, Digital library, Information behaviour, Information Organization, Scholarly communication, Special library
- 2019-01 -
- National Institute of Informatics (Visiting Associate Professor)
- Discussions on operations and strategies at Working Group for Open Science Research Data Infrastructure WG, Organization for Science Network Operations and Coordination.
- 2013-04 -
- Institute of Library, Information and Media Science, University of Tsukuba (Associate Professor)
- Education and Study on Information Retrieval, Information Behavior, Digital Library, and Digital Document Services.
- 2008-09 - 2013-03
- Scientific Information Office, National Institute for Materials Science (Senior Engineer)
- Developing an digital library system and researchers directory for the institute. Operation in a special library at NIMS.
- (Keywords) Institutional repository, Fulltext search, Portal service for Materials Science
- (Skills) Ruby, Solr, eSciDoc, Fedora Commons, SOA, Java, JSP/JSF
- 2006-01 - 2008-08
- Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center, Research Organization of Information and Systems (Post-doctoral researcher)
- Constructing a researcher information server (building prototype systems for integrating information on researchers in Japan). Involved in development of KAKEN Database (Beta service) and Researcher Resolver (Alpha service)
- (Keywords) information linkage, digital library, identification, combining bibliographics, researcher network, visualization
- (Skills) Perl, Web API, XML, Ruby
- 2004-10 - 2005-12
- National Institute of Informatics (Post-doctoral researcher)
- One of organizers of NTCIR-5 WEB task. Building a Web test collection.
- (Keywords) Web information retrieval, IR evaluation, search engine, test collection
- (Skills) Perl, Ruby, GETA, Web API, trec_eval
- 1998-03
- BSc in library and information science from University of Library and Information Science, Japan.
- Graduate thesis: "Building an orienteering game for education (in Japanese)" (Built an interactive geographic system based on VRML and Java)
- 2000-03
- MSc in Information Science from Graduate School of Information and Media Studies, University of Library and Information Science, Japan
- Master thesis: "Construction of Information Retrieval System based on Z39.50 Protocol for Bibliographic Data (in Japanese)"
- 2004-09
- PhD in Information Science from Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- PhD dissertation: "A Study of Cooperative Information Service Systems: Applications to Terminological Systems and Information Retrieval Systems (in Japanese)"
- University of Tsukuba
- (College of Knowledge of Library Sciences) Knowledge Resources Organization (2019 - )
- (College of Knowledge of Library Sciences) Introduction to Knowledge Information Systems (2019 - )
- (College of Knowledge of Library Sciences) Statistics (2013-2017)
- (College of Knowledge of Library Sciences) Knowledge Information Systems Lab (2013-2017)
- (College of Knowledge of Library Sciences / College of Media Arts, Science and Technology) Digital Documents (2013-)
- (College of Knowledge of Library Sciences) Basics of Information Technology Lab (2014, 2018)
- (Graduate Program in Informatics) - Information Organization (2020 - )
- (Graduate Program in Informatics) - Job Design (2020 - )
- (Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies) Digital Documents (2013-2019)
- (Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies) Research Trends of Library and Information Studies (2014-2016)
- (Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies) Digital Libraries (2016-2019)
- (Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies) Information Media Seminar B (2013-2015)
- Keio University part-time lecturer
- (2007; Faculty of Letters) IT Literacy Basics
- Tsurumi University part-time lecturer
- (2005; Department of Literature) IT Basic Literacy II (Internet) - WWW, HTML
- (2005; Department of Literature) IT Basic Literacy III (Application) - Microsoft Excel
- University of Library and Information Science Teaching Assistant (TA)
- (2000; Department of Library and Information Science) Programming-Language-C I
- (2000; Department of Library and Information Science) Programming-Language-C II
- (2000; Department of Library and Information Science) IT Basic Literacy - HTML/PowerPoint/Excel/Photoshop
Other activities
- Research Unit on Human-Centred Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems (2020 - )
- A member of the research unit.
- Research Unit on Archives Resources (2018 - )
- A member of the research unit, in charge of researches on constructing knowledge resources.
- Research Group on Smart Social City at University of Tsukuba (2015 - 2020)
- A member of the research unit, regarding researches on the concept of information practice.
- Research Group on Information Practice at University of Tsukuba (2013 - 2018)
- A member of the research group, in charge of researches on constructing knowledge resources.
- International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Committee at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (2013 - )
- A member of the committee for INIS Database.
- System Technology Working Group of Japan Link Center (2012 - )
- A member of System Technology WG for Japan Link Center.
- saveMLAK (2011 - )
- Project member of voluntary community and website on museums, libraries, archives and kominkans (community centers) (MLAK) in Japan stricken by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.
- Code4Lib JAPAN (2010 - )
- Core member of Japan chapter-like activity of Code4Lib community. Funded partially from Japanese Library Promotion Foundation (2010).
- DRF Technology Working Group (2009 - 2012)
- Member of Technology support working group for the institutional repository community in Japan.
- CRES joint research project (2007 - )
- Member of the CRES project for understanding users' information behaviour and information needs on the Web.
- (Skills) User studies, Browser log, Eye-tracking
- Next-L project (2007 - )
- A collaborator of the project to construct the next generation library system based on Open Source.
- ULIS-DL metadata retrieval system (2002 - 2003)
- Design and build a Web-based Metadata retrieval system by Namazu.
- (Skills) C, Perl, WWW/CGI, HTML, Unix, SGML, Dublin Core
- Tsukuba city IT (Student) special committee (2001 - 2002)
- Member of the student committee for new IT services by Tsukuba city. Proposed building inter-library service systems and utilization of GIS systems.
- LA Seminar (1998 - 2004)
- Website management for presentation materials. Conversion into CD-ROM for distribution. Assist for PR/communications for the seminar.
- (Skills) HTML, PDF, Image format conversions, Perl
- Namazu Project (Open source full-text retrieval engine; committer) (1998 - 2000)
- Tested features and added access-control feature.
- (Skills) C, Perl, WWW/CGI, HTML, Unix
- Building a Japan/MARC browsing system (1998 - 2001)
- Building a web-based browsing system for Japanese national bibliographics Japan/MARC data including 1M-records from over 13 years.
- (Skills) Japan/MARC, C, Perl, DBM, Magnetic tapes
- LOD Challenge 2024 Theme Awards - Technology Award
- Received for Static LOD Website Generator ttl2html. (details)
- The 20th Best Paper Award of Journal of Information and Knowledge (2023)
- The paper entitled "The Study on Structured Data for Chinese Poetry — Focus on Tang Poem", co-authored with Cong Yan, published on published on Journal of Information and Knowledge Volume 32, Issue 1 got received the Best Paper Award. (details)
- Scholarly Awards in Infrastructure and Systems - The 4th Annual Awards of Japan Society for Digital Archive
- Received for publishing Japanese Textbook LOD.
- LOD Challenge 2021 Grand Prize and Platinum Sponsor Award
- Received for publishing Japanese Course of Study LOD Dataset.
- The 18th Best Paper Award of Journal of Information and Knowledge (2021)
- The paper entitled "Analyses of Wikipedia Editors Adding Bibliographic References based on DOI Links", co-authored with Profs. Jiro Kikkawa and Fuyuki Yoshikane, published on published on Journal of Information and Knowledge Volume 30, Issue 1 got received the Best Paper Award. (details)
- LOD Challenge 2018 Theme Awards - LOD Promotion Award
- Received for publishing Poorman's LOD Toolkit.
- LOD Challenge 2016 Theme Awards - Education LOD Award
- Received for developing and providing Japanese Textbook LOD Dataset.
- Best Teacher Award at College of Knowledge and Library Sciences, University of Tsukuba (2016)
- Received for my educational activities in 2015.
- Contribution Presitent Award at National Institute for Materials Science (2013)
- Received my contribution to "Developement of Researchers Directory Service, SAMURAI, and Accomplishment on Outreach Activities".
- The 10th Best Paper Award of Journal of Information and Knowledge (2011)
- The paper entitled "Influence of Task Type and User Group on Web-based Information Seeking Behavior: Analysis of Eye Movement Data and Client-side Browsing Logs", co-authored with Yuka Egusa, Hitoshi Terai, Hitomi Saito, Makiko Miwa, Noriko Kando, published on Journal of Information and Knowledge Volume 20, Issue 3 got received the Best Paper Award. (details)
- The Best Application Award at the 2nd CiNii Web API Contest (2010)
- My application "Fuwatto CiNii Author Search" got received the Best Application Award. (details)
Recent publications
Jiro Kikkawa, Masao Takaku, Fuyuki Yoshikane
Enhancing Identification of Scholarly Reference on YouTube: Method Development and Analysis of External Link Characteristics
TPDL 2024;
Ljubljana, Slovenia;
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS);
Jiro Kikkawa, Masao Takaku, Fuyuki Yoshikane
Long-term Progress of DOI Links on Wikipedia: Comparative Analysis of English and Japanese Wikipedia from 2015 to 2023.
A-LIEP 2023;
Taipei, Taiwan;
Jiro Kikkawa, Masao Takaku, Fuyuki Yoshikane
Quantitative Analysis of Scholarly References on YouTube: Focusing on their Research Fields and Contributors
ICADL 2023;
Taipei, Taiwan;
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS);
Yan Cong, Masao Takaku
Enhancing Learning of Chinese Poem Creation through Auto-Generation and Evaluation System.
ICADL 2023;
Taipei, Taiwan;
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS);
Jiro Kikkawa, Masao Takaku, Fuyuki Yoshikane
Time Lag Analysis of Adding Scholarly References to English Wikipedia: How Rapidly Are They Added to and How Fresh Are They?
iConference 2023;
Barcelona, Spain;
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS);
A full list of publications are available at ./pub/.
Academic societies
Activities on academic societies
- The 25nd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2023), PC Committee Member (2023)
- The 17th NTCIR Conference (NTCIR-17), Organizing committee member (2023)
- The 24nd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2022), PC Committee Member (2022)
- The 16th NTCIR Conference (NTCIR-16), Organizing committee member (2022)
- The 23nd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2021), PC and DC Committee Member (2021)
- The 15th NTCIR Conference (NTCIR-15), Organizing committee member (2020)
- The 22nd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2020), PC and DC Committee Member (2020)
- The 13th NTCIR Conference (NTCIR-13), Publicty Co-Chair (2017)
- The 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2017), Local Arrangement Co-Chair (2017)
- The 18th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2016), Treasurer (2016)
- The Fifth NTCIR Workshop Meeting (NTCIR-5), Publication Co-Chair and Presentation Area Co-Coordinator (2005)
- Editorial Committee member for Journal of Japan Society for Digital Archive (2017-)
- Organizing Committee member for TP&D Forum (2017-)
- Organizing Committee member for Jinmoncom 2020
- Board member (2017-2020): Japan Society of Library and Information Science (JSLIS)
- Board member (2008-): Japan Society of Information and Knowledge (JSIK)
- Research committee member for Japan Society of Library and Information Science (2014-2017)
- Organizing committee member for JSIK Forum (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012)
- Organizing chair for Annual Meeting of JSIK (2016)
- Organizing committee member for Annual Meeting of JSIK (2009, 2010, 2017, 2019)
- Young Researcher Award chair for Annual Meeting of JSIK (2014)
- Editorial committee member for Journal of Japan Society of Information and Knowledge (2013-)
- Council member of Information Science and Technology Association (2011-2012)
- Editorial Committee member (2009-): Journal of Information Science and Technology Association
- Editorial Committee member (2008-2012): IPSJ Transaction on Databases (TOD), Information Processing Society of Japan
- Steering Committee member (2007-2011): Special Interest Groups on Fundamental Informatics (FI), Information Processing Society of Japan
- Exective Committee member (2022- ): Special Interest Groups on Information Fundamentals and Access Technologies (IFAT), Information Processing Society of Japan
- Organizing committee member for Code4Lib JAPAN Conference (2013-)
- Committee member for Tokyo ACM SIGIR Chapter (2017年-)
- Working Group member for SPARC Japan Seminar Planning WG (2018-2020)
- Working Group member for Open Science Research Data Infrastructure WG, Organization for Science Network Operations and Coordination (2018-2021)
- Steering Committee member for Research Data Infrastructure Steering Committee, National Institute of Informatics (2021-)
- Committee chief member for Human Resources Development Working Group at Research Data Infrastructure Steering Committee, National Institute of Informatics (2021-)
- Member for Expert committee in Course of Study Code Research Project (2022-)
Research grants
- 2023-2025: Methodology of Supproting Federated Information Retrieval for Diverse LOD Datasets (Principle researcher) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; No.23K11761
- 2020-2022: Methodology of Description of Application Profiles and Its Sharing Platform (Principle researcher) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; No.20K12543
- 2019-2022: Automatic Generation for Evaluation of City Services Utilizing Citizen Opinions through Social Media Co-joint researcher (Principal investigator: Yohei Seki); Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; No.19H04420
- 2019-2023: Development of Integrated Measures for Evaluation of Diverse Activities by Public Libraries Co-joint researcher (Principal investigator: Takashi Harada); Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; No.19H04428
- 2017-2019: Study on Information Seeking Tasks Based on Browsing Behavior and Its Application (Principal researcher) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; No.17K00449
- 2016-2019: City Promotion Utilizing Citizen Opinions through Social Media Co-joint researcher (Principal investigator: Yohei Seki); Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
- 2014-2016: Study on Bibliographic Information System based on New Data Model, FRBR & RDA, for Bibliographic Records (Principal researcher) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; No.26330362
- 2012: Study on An Application of Linked Open Data on Disaster Related Information through User Participation Co-joint researcher (Principal investigator: Ikki Ohmukai); Joint Research Fund from National Institute of Informatics (saveMLAK)
- 2010-2011: An Author Identifier System Designed for Cooperating with Institutional Repositories and External Databases (Principal researcher) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Young Researcher B; No.22700253
- 2009-2011: Analysis of Effects of Paper media with the Web space Co-joint researcher (Principal investigator: Nobuyoshi Miyazaki); Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; (C); No.21500107
- 2009-2011: Study on User's Exploratory Information Seeking Behavior by using Access Log Analysis and Cognitive Methodologies Collaborative researcher (Principal researcher: Noriko Kando); Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; (C); No.21300096
- 2008-2011: Study on Construction of Cognitive Models for Information Seeking Behavior and Its Application Co-joint researcher (Principal investigator: Hitomi Saito); Joint Research Fund from National Institute of Informatics (CRES Project)
- 2006-2008: Study on Method of Accurate Classification from Large-scale WWW Data for Constructing Informtion Resources Co-joint researcher (Principal researcher: Keizo Oyama); Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; (C); No.18300037
- 2006-2008: Fundamental Technology for Linkage and Retrival of Exploding Information Collaborative researcher (Principal researcher: Jun Adachi) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Scientific Research on Priority Areas (New IT Infrastructure for the Information-explosion Era); No.18049069
- 2005-2007: Study on Distributed Terminological Systems for Utilizing and Reusing Web Sitemaps (Principal researcher) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Young Researcher B; No.17700130
- 2004-2005: Study on Information Utilization System for Heterogeneous Contents Collaborative researcher (Principal researcher: Jun Adachi) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Scientific Research on Priority Areas (Information Studies for the Foundation of IT Evolution); No.13224087
Within-institutional research grant
- 2013: Construction of a Next-Generation Cataloging System for New Bibliographic Record Models, FRBR and RDA (Principal researcher) University of Tsukuba: Research Projects of Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies; Exploratory research project
Foreign language and other skills
- Librarian certificate (Japan)
- University of Library and Information Science (1998)
- English
- TOEIC score 925 (2013)
- Computer skills
- (Programming languages) C, Ruby, Perl, Unix shells([kb]sh, [t]csh), Java
- (Platform) Admin. for various UNIX variants: Sun Solaris(2.6,7,8,9,10), Linux(Redhat,Turbolinux etc.), IBM AIX (4.3), SGI IRIX(5.x)
- Japan Information-Technology Engineers Examination
- Second Class certification (1996)
- Junior System Administrator certification (1997)
Related links
高久雅生 (Masao Takaku),