Created on 2007-03-04
Last modified on 2024-07-24

Curriculum Vitae (Masao Takaku)

Code4Lib JAPAN Conference 2018 (September 2018) (photo by: Fumihiro Kato)
Code4Lib JAPAN Conference 2018 (September 2018) (photo by: Fumihiro Kato)

Masao Takaku
Contact (office)
1-2 Kasuga, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki, 305-8550, Japan
Tel: +81-29-859-1394
Fax: +81-29-859-1093
Laboratory website

Research interests

Information retrieval, Digital library, Information behaviour, Information Organization, Scholarly communication, Special library


2019-01 -
National Institute of Informatics (Visiting Associate Professor)
Discussions on operations and strategies at Working Group for Open Science Research Data Infrastructure WG, Organization for Science Network Operations and Coordination.
2013-04 -
Institute of Library, Information and Media Science, University of Tsukuba (Associate Professor)
Education and Study on Information Retrieval, Information Behavior, Digital Library, and Digital Document Services.
2008-09 - 2013-03
Scientific Information Office, National Institute for Materials Science (Senior Engineer)
Developing an digital library system and researchers directory for the institute. Operation in a special library at NIMS.
(Keywords) Institutional repository, Fulltext search, Portal service for Materials Science
(Skills) Ruby, Solr, eSciDoc, Fedora Commons, SOA, Java, JSP/JSF
2006-01 - 2008-08
Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center, Research Organization of Information and Systems (Post-doctoral researcher)
Constructing a researcher information server (building prototype systems for integrating information on researchers in Japan). Involved in development of KAKEN Database (Beta service) and Researcher Resolver (Alpha service)
(Keywords) information linkage, digital library, identification, combining bibliographics, researcher network, visualization
(Skills) Perl, Web API, XML, Ruby
2004-10 - 2005-12
National Institute of Informatics (Post-doctoral researcher)
One of organizers of NTCIR-5 WEB task. Building a Web test collection.
(Keywords) Web information retrieval, IR evaluation, search engine, test collection
(Skills) Perl, Ruby, GETA, Web API, trec_eval


BSc in library and information science from University of Library and Information Science, Japan.
Graduate thesis: "Building an orienteering game for education (in Japanese)" (Built an interactive geographic system based on VRML and Java)
MSc in Information Science from Graduate School of Information and Media Studies, University of Library and Information Science, Japan
Master thesis: "Construction of Information Retrieval System based on Z39.50 Protocol for Bibliographic Data (in Japanese)"
PhD in Information Science from Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba, Japan
PhD dissertation: "A Study of Cooperative Information Service Systems: Applications to Terminological Systems and Information Retrieval Systems (in Japanese)"


University of Tsukuba
(College of Knowledge of Library Sciences) Knowledge Resources Organization (2019 - )
(College of Knowledge of Library Sciences) Introduction to Knowledge Information Systems (2019 - )
(College of Knowledge of Library Sciences) Statistics (2013-2017)
(College of Knowledge of Library Sciences) Knowledge Information Systems Lab (2013-2017)
(College of Knowledge of Library Sciences / College of Media Arts, Science and Technology) Digital Documents (2013-)
(College of Knowledge of Library Sciences) Basics of Information Technology Lab (2014, 2018)
(Graduate Program in Informatics) - Information Organization (2020 - )
(Graduate Program in Informatics) - Job Design (2020 - )
(Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies) Digital Documents (2013-2019)
(Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies) Research Trends of Library and Information Studies (2014-2016)
(Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies) Digital Libraries (2016-2019)
(Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies) Information Media Seminar B (2013-2015)
Keio University part-time lecturer
(2007; Faculty of Letters) IT Literacy Basics
Tsurumi University part-time lecturer
(2005; Department of Literature) IT Basic Literacy II (Internet) - WWW, HTML
(2005; Department of Literature) IT Basic Literacy III (Application) - Microsoft Excel
University of Library and Information Science Teaching Assistant (TA)
(2000; Department of Library and Information Science) Programming-Language-C I
(2000; Department of Library and Information Science) Programming-Language-C II
(2000; Department of Library and Information Science) IT Basic Literacy - HTML/PowerPoint/Excel/Photoshop

Other activities

Research Unit on Human-Centred Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems (2020 - )
A member of the research unit.
Research Unit on Archives Resources (2018 - )
A member of the research unit, in charge of researches on constructing knowledge resources.
Research Group on Smart Social City at University of Tsukuba (2015 - 2020)
A member of the research unit, regarding researches on the concept of information practice.
Research Group on Information Practice at University of Tsukuba (2013 - 2018)
A member of the research group, in charge of researches on constructing knowledge resources.
International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Committee at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (2013 - )
A member of the committee for INIS Database.
System Technology Working Group of Japan Link Center (2012 - )
A member of System Technology WG for Japan Link Center.
saveMLAK (2011 - )
Project member of voluntary community and website on museums, libraries, archives and kominkans (community centers) (MLAK) in Japan stricken by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.
Code4Lib JAPAN (2010 - )
Core member of Japan chapter-like activity of Code4Lib community. Funded partially from Japanese Library Promotion Foundation (2010).
DRF Technology Working Group (2009 - 2012)
Member of Technology support working group for the institutional repository community in Japan.
CRES joint research project (2007 - )
Member of the CRES project for understanding users' information behaviour and information needs on the Web.
(Skills) User studies, Browser log, Eye-tracking
Next-L project (2007 - )
A collaborator of the project to construct the next generation library system based on Open Source.
ULIS-DL metadata retrieval system (2002 - 2003)
Design and build a Web-based Metadata retrieval system by Namazu.
(Skills) C, Perl, WWW/CGI, HTML, Unix, SGML, Dublin Core
Tsukuba city IT (Student) special committee (2001 - 2002)
Member of the student committee for new IT services by Tsukuba city. Proposed building inter-library service systems and utilization of GIS systems.
LA Seminar (1998 - 2004)
Website management for presentation materials. Conversion into CD-ROM for distribution. Assist for PR/communications for the seminar.
(Skills) HTML, PDF, Image format conversions, Perl
Namazu Project (Open source full-text retrieval engine; committer) (1998 - 2000)
Tested features and added access-control feature.
(Skills) C, Perl, WWW/CGI, HTML, Unix
Building a Japan/MARC browsing system (1998 - 2001)
Building a web-based browsing system for Japanese national bibliographics Japan/MARC data including 1M-records from over 13 years.
(Skills) Japan/MARC, C, Perl, DBM, Magnetic tapes


The 20th Best Paper Award of Journal of Information and Knowledge (2023)
The paper entitled "The Study on Structured Data for Chinese Poetry — Focus on Tang Poem", co-authored with Cong Yan, published on published on Journal of Information and Knowledge Volume 32, Issue 1 got received the Best Paper Award. (details)
Scholarly Awards in Infrastructure and Systems - The 4th Annual Awards of Japan Society for Digital Archive
Received for publishing Japanese Textbook LOD.
LOD Challenge 2021 Grand Prize and Platinum Sponsor Award
Received for publishing Japanese Course of Study LOD Dataset.
The 18th Best Paper Award of Journal of Information and Knowledge (2021)
The paper entitled "Analyses of Wikipedia Editors Adding Bibliographic References based on DOI Links", co-authored with Profs. Jiro Kikkawa and Fuyuki Yoshikane, published on published on Journal of Information and Knowledge Volume 30, Issue 1 got received the Best Paper Award. (details)
LOD Challenge 2018 Theme Awards - LOD Promotion Award
Received for publishing Poorman's LOD Toolkit.
LOD Challenge 2016 Theme Awards - Education LOD Award
Received for developing and providing Japanese Textbook LOD Dataset.
Best Teacher Award at College of Knowledge and Library Sciences, University of Tsukuba (2016)
Received for my educational activities in 2015.
Contribution Presitent Award at National Institute for Materials Science (2013)
Received my contribution to "Developement of Researchers Directory Service, SAMURAI, and Accomplishment on Outreach Activities".
The 10th Best Paper Award of Journal of Information and Knowledge (2011)
The paper entitled "Influence of Task Type and User Group on Web-based Information Seeking Behavior: Analysis of Eye Movement Data and Client-side Browsing Logs", co-authored with Yuka Egusa, Hitoshi Terai, Hitomi Saito, Makiko Miwa, Noriko Kando, published on Journal of Information and Knowledge Volume 20, Issue 3 got received the Best Paper Award. (details)
The Best Application Award at the 2nd CiNii Web API Contest (2010)
My application "Fuwatto CiNii Author Search" got received the Best Application Award. (details)

Recent publications

A full list of publications are available at ./pub/.

Academic societies

Activities on academic societies

Research grants

Within-institutional research grant

Foreign language and other skills

Librarian certificate (Japan)
University of Library and Information Science (1998)
TOEIC score 925 (2013)
Computer skills
(Programming languages) C, Ruby, Perl, Unix shells([kb]sh, [t]csh), Java
(Platform) Admin. for various UNIX variants: Sun Solaris(2.6,7,8,9,10), Linux(Redhat,Turbolinux etc.), IBM AIX (4.3), SGI IRIX(5.x)
Japan Information-Technology Engineers Examination
Second Class certification (1996)
Junior System Administrator certification (1997)

Related links

高久雅生 (Masao Takaku),