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まさおのChangeLogメモ / 2005-04-21

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2005-04-21 Thu

* URL memo

- IT Pro キーパーソン : 「苦い経験で技術蓄積の必要を痛感,OSS研究所を設立」―早稲田大学 理工学部教授 深澤良彰氏: delicious users
- KenSchutte.com: Mozilla Firefox Extensions: delicious241 users
Slogger is an extension for Mozilla Firefox which can create a customizable browser history, automatically store all pages you visit locally, log pages via various search providers, and more.
- Torvalds unveils new Linux control system | CNET News.com: delicious2 users
Linux founder and leader Linus Torvalds has launched a new tool, called Git, to manage his software project, after a dispute led him to drop the previous system.
- Google - My Search History: delicious39 users
- Red and White Song Festival: delicious users